Study Abroad Success Stories: Inspiring Tales From Around The Globe

 Beyond Borders:

Whether studying marine biology in Australia or art history in Italy, these stories inspire readers to embark on their own exploration and discovery.

From Tokyo to rural France, each narrative reveals the challenges and triumphs of studying abroad, showcasing resilience, cultural immersion, and personal growth. Readers witness moments of revelation, conquer fears, and forge lifelong friendships amidst vibrant cultural exchanges. This anthology celebrates the transformative power of educational exploration, inviting all, from seasoned travelers to dreamers, to embark on life-changing journeys beyond their

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague is located in an ideal location for traveling around Europe and especially Eastern Europe. Prior to study abroad, I had no knowledge of anything about Prague, which made it that much more amazing.During my study abroad program, it was mandatory to take Czech, a language in which I had zero interest or knowledge of. While I happen to be good at learning languages, I thought I was going to have a seriously hard time learning this one. With no knowledge of anything even near Czech (unlike learning Spanish or French) and no idea how to master the Eastern European accents, I was lost. But after a lot of hard work and studying every night (we had to go to class three days in a row at 9 AM and couldn’t skip), I was finally starting to get the hang of it. Charles Bridge PragueGaining Confidence.

My favorite, inspiring if you will, story from study abroad has to do with this. I was there for four months and after 1 month I was getting the language down. I had to start using it in the real world though, not just in class.Every day I walked the same route to school and went to the same Starbucks on the way every morning. Each day, the same girl worked at the same time and started to get to know me. As each day progressed, I started to learn more Czech and use it while ordering coffee.Soon after another month in, I was having full conversations with this barista and talking in Czech with her. Every morning she had my same order ready for me and asked me what classes I had, where I was traveling that day, and more Prague tips to do.This is one of my absolute favorite memories of studying abroad in Prague. Czechs are so nice and this barrister remembered me every day and helped me immerse into the culture more than I could have ever imagined while building my Czech knowledge and culture. Prague Castle and Skyline This also helped me when I moved to Tel Aviv, Israel for six months after college and had to go over the same thing learning the new language. I always thought back to this memory and time of when I was in Prague that it helped me build the confidence to keep learning and trying to speak Hebrew throughout the city.

The Benefits of Studying Abroad Studying in a foreign university also gives the chance to make a lot of new friends, not only Australians, but other exchange students from all over the world. Studying abroad is really a great opportunity to make new connections.

Get out of your comfort zone and do what you have always dreamed of doing. It’s really that simple. The best part of all is that it will change your life completely.


















After nearly a week in Portugal, it was finally time to hit up the capital city… Lisbon! ⠀⠀⠀

 For a quirky and useful overview of the city, I went on the King of the Hills tour with @wehatetourismtours and had so much fun! Think open-top jeep, silly narration, and a hole-in-the-wall pastel de nata spot. ⠀⠀

Portugal after all of the day-trippers had gone. I had the place completely to myself as it turned beautiful colors of yellow, blue, and dusky pink, and it was everything. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What’s the most magical moment you’ve ever experienced? Give me more of these days filled with exploring ancient little towns and so many smiles.⠀⠀⠀⠀

Olumuyiwa Enweremadu

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